Let’s Talk About Ticks

Let’s Talk About Ticks

22 Jul 2024

It’s summer in Tennessee, and that means it is tick season! If you are spending a lot of time outdoors, it is important to take precautions against tick bites and always check your body for ticks after hiking...

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Why Do My Bed Bugs Keep Coming Back?

Why Do My Bed Bugs Keep Coming Back?

12 Jul 2024

If you are struggling with bed bugs returning time after time, there is something important that you need to know: they are not returning—they never actually left! Bed bugs have an uncanny ability to sense...

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How to Prevent Pests in Your Kitchen

How to Prevent Pests in Your Kitchen

27 Jun 2024

Preventing pests in the kitchen is crucial for maintaining a hygienic and healthy living environment. Pests like ants, cockroaches, rodents, and flies are not only a nuisance but also pose serious health risks by...

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It’s Time to Mosquito Proof Your Yard!

It’s Time to Mosquito Proof Your Yard!

14 Jun 2024

With mosquito season well and truly underway, you may already be nursing a few painful bites! This is something we all want to avoid as much as possible, especially since mosquitos can transmit a number...

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What You Need to Know About Termites

What You Need to Know About Termites

31 May 2024

If you are a homeowner, your home is probably the biggest purchase you will ever make! It stands to reason that you will want to do whatever you can to protect that investment. One of the biggest...

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What Is a Termite Bond & Why Do I Need One?

What Is a Termite Bond & Why Do I Need One?

27 May 2024

If you are in the process of buying a home, you probably already know that it can be stressful! There is so much to do and much paperwork that must be completed. One of the main priorities for anyone buying...

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Don't Make These Mistakes If You Have Bed Bugs!

Don't Make These Mistakes If You Have Bed Bugs!

06 May 2024

The mere mention of bed bugs is often enough to make your skin crawl! Nobody relishes the thought of these tiny beasts sharing their bed! Although they are not necessarily harmful in terms of spreading...

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Say Goodbye to Wasps with Pest Control in Knoxville

Say Goodbye to Wasps with Pest Control in Knoxville

19 Apr 2024

Every year, unwanted visitors of the winged variety make enjoying outdoor spaces a stressful experience. Most of us have experienced the instant fight or flight response that comes from hearing the...

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How to Deter Mosquitos Around Your Home

How to Deter Mosquitos Around Your Home

03 Apr 2024

Mosquito season in East Tennessee lasts from early March through late October, with eggs able to hatch in temperatures of 50 degrees or above. Anyone who enjoys spending time outdoors knows that the...

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Why Assessments Are a Key Element of Pest Control

Why Assessments Are a Key Element of Pest Control

20 Mar 2024

When you book pest control in Knoxville, the first step will be for a technician to visit your property to carry out a free pest assessment. Often, customers ask why this step is necessary and want to skip...

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Why Is Thermal Heat Treatment Effective For Bed Bugs?

Why Is Thermal Heat Treatment Effective For Bed Bugs?

11 Mar 2024

When it comes to getting rid of bed bugs, many different options are available for bed bug treatment in Knoxville. However, at Otis Termite & Pest Control, after years of trying various methods, we...

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What Can I Do To Deter Bed Bugs?

What Can I Do To Deter Bed Bugs?

22 Feb 2024

Have you ever had to deal with a bed bug infestation? It is nothing to be ashamed of - it’s far more common than you might think! Statistics show that Knoxville is among the top cities in the United States for...

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What Are Termite Mud Tubes?

What Are Termite Mud Tubes?

07 Feb 2024

Mud tubes are one of the most definitive signs of an active termite infestation in your property. They look like veins of mud and will run up walls and across the ceiling. It is a sign that it is time to arrange...

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How to Handle Pest Control in Your Apartment

How to Handle Pest Control in Your Apartment

26 Jan 2024

When it comes to unwanted visitors in your home, it isn't just people you need to consider; there are also intruders of the pest variety to think about! Pest infestations can be taken care of effectively when...

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Why Are Pest Inspections Important?

Why Are Pest Inspections Important?

12 Jan 2024

One of the questions we get from customers quite frequently is why we carry out a pest control inspection in Knoxville before doing any pest treatment. We understand that most people want to rid their...

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Are Bed Bugs Only Found in Beds?

Are Bed Bugs Only Found in Beds?

26 Dec 2023

Bed bugs are a common pest throughout the United States, although their prevalence does vary from region to region. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the...

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Navigating Pest Control in Knoxville

Guardians of the Home: Navigating Pest Control in Knoxville

12 Dec 2023

Nestled against the backdrop of the Smoky Mountains, Knoxville, Tennessee, boasts a rich history and a thriving community. However, like any urban environment, Knoxville is not immune to the presence...

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How Do I Know If I Have Termites?

How Do I Know If I Have Termites?

30 Nov 2023

Detecting termite infestations can be challenging because these pests often work silently and are hidden from view. However, there are some signs you can look for to determine if you need to arrange...

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Getting Ready For Winter Pests

Getting Ready For Winter Pests

15 Nov 2023

As winter approaches, it is more important than ever to arrange pest control in Knoxville to keep your home free from unwanted pests. Many people wrongly assume that pests are a summer problem, but...

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How to Tell if You Have Bed Bugs

How to Tell if You Have Bed Bugs

31 Oct 2023

Bed bugs may be small, but they are one of the most tedious household pests to deal with. They are difficult to see and even more challenging to get rid of without help from the experts. The quicker...

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Why Are So Many Pests Attracted to Moisture?

Why Are So Many Pests Attracted to Moisture?

17 Oct 2023

When providing pest control in Knoxville, one of the first steps after identifying an infestation is attempting to find the source. There is something that all living creatures, including household pests, have in...

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Is Pest Control Safe For Children and Pets?

Is Pest Control Safe For Children and Pets?

04 Oct 2023

When you are a parent, whether to a human child or a fur baby, the safety of your little ones is always a top priority. If you are arranging pest control in Knoxville, you will likely have concerns about the...

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How Often Do You Need a Termite Inspection?

How Often Do You Need a Termite Inspection?

19 Sep 2023

If you have recently purchased a home, then it should have already passed a termite inspection before the purchase. However, just because it was free from termites when you closed on the deal...

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Using Thermal Heat for Bed Bug Treatment Knoxville

Why is Heat Needed For Effective Bed Bug Treatment in Knoxville?

05 Sep 2023

When it comes to pest control, bed bugs may be among the smallest pests, but they are one of the most resilient, and they can be particularly difficult to eradicate once an infestation has taken hold. ...

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Fun Facts About Carpenter Ants

Fun Facts About Carpenter Ants

22 Aug 2023

When it comes to pest control in Knoxville, it often seems like termites get all of the attention. However, they are not the only wood-boring pest that homeowners in Knoxville and the surrounding...

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What to Expect When You Need Pest Control For The First Time!

What to Expect When You Need Pest Control For The First Time!

10 Aug 2023

If you have been lucky enough never to have needed a visit from pest control in Knoxville, you may be at a loss for what to expect the first time you catch sight of an unwanted guest of the pest variety! With...

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Is It a Bed Bug or Something Else?

Is It a Bed Bug or Something Else?

31 Jul 2023

Have you spotted something that looks like a bed bug in your home? Don’t panic! Bed bugs may be notoriously tricky to get rid of once they take up residence in your home, but professional bed bug...

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Signs You Need Termite Treatment Knoxville

Signs of Termite Infestation

17 Jul 2023

One of the worst things about termites is that they could be living on your property, even inside your house, for quite some time before they are discovered. However, to get the most benefit from termite...

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Summer Bed Bug Treatment Knoxville

Summer Travel Guide: Checking Your Hotel for Bed Bugs

27 Jun 2023

As summer approaches, many people are eagerly planning thier vacations and getaways. While the excitement of exploring new destinations is palpable, it's important to be mindful of potential...

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Effective Termite Treatment Knoxville

Effective Strategies to Prevent Termite Infestation and Spread in Your Home

14 Jun 2023

Termites are destructive pests that can cause significant damage to the structural integrity of buildings, leading to costly repairs. In this article, we will provide you with six easy-to-implement strategies that...

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Mosquito Pest Control in Knoxville

Open Your Yard Up to Guests, Not Mosquitoes!

30 May 2023

As Spring marches into Summer, we will all begin to look forward to spending a little more time outdoors to take advantage of the longer days and more favorable weather! You might be starting to eat...

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Importance of TermiteTreatment Knoxville

Why Is Professional Termite Treatment Important?

16 May 2023

Termites are a common problem faced by homeowners all over the United States. These pesky little insects can cause extensive damage to your property and are notoriously difficult to get rid of. Many...

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Tips From Pest Control Knoxville

Effective Ways to Keep Your Kids Safe from Bug Bites

04 May 2023

As a parent, one top priority is ensuring your children are safe and healthy. However, one thing that often gets overlooked is the aftermath of bug bites. Mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects can...

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Pest Control Knoxville TN

Are Pests Triggering Your Seasonal Allergies?

20 Apr 2023

With Spring in the air, our thoughts are turning to better weather and beautiful flowers. However, for around 81 million people across the United States, Spring also brings with it the unwanted symptoms of...

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Pest Control Knoxville

Spring Cleaning Tips for a Pest-Free Home!

07 Apr 2023

As we move into the Spring season and begin to notice flowers in bloom and pleasant weather, our thoughts often turn to Spring cleaning! Most homeowners have probably already started to make a...

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Termite Treatment Knoxville

How to Handle a Termite Infestation

20 Mar 2023

Termites are a major pest problem in many homes and buildings, causing extensive damage to the structure and potentially lowering the property value. Termite infestations can be hard to detect, as...

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Let’s Talk About Bed Bugs!

Let’s Talk About Bed Bugs!

08 Mar 2023

Bed bugs are tiny parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals while they sleep. They are known to be excellent hitchhikers and can quickly spread from one location to another...

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Pest Control Tips To Keep Cockroaches Out!

Pest Control Tips To Keep Cockroaches Out!

21 Feb 2023

If there is one type of pest that homeowners and apartment dwellers dread coming face to face with, then it is almost certainly cockroaches. Cockroaches are incredibly dirty pests...

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Have You Pest Proofed Your Pantry?

Pest Prevention Tips To Help Avoid Heartbreak!

08 Feb 2023

As Valentine's Day approaches, love is in the air and on our minds! Whether you are already in a relationship or are single and looking for that special someone, there are lots of things...

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Have You Pest Proofed Your Pantry?

Have You Pest Proofed Your Pantry?

21 Nov 2023

Have you ever had the unfortunate experience of digging through your pantry in search of the ingredients you need, only to be confronted with pests hiding amongst your flour or nibbling on your...

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It’s a New Year - Time to Pest Proof Your Home

It’s a New Year - Time to Pest Proof Your Home

11 Nov 2023

It’s that time of year again when we all start to make promises to ourselves that this will be the year that we finally stay on top of all the things we need to take care of around the house. We start making a list...

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Unusual Places You Might Find Bed Bugs!

Unusual Places You Might Find Bed Bugs!

28 Dec 2022

Don’t be fooled by the name! While bed bugs are commonly found in beds or the area immediately adjacent to the bed, it is not the only place you need to consider! Most bed bug infestations...

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Check For Bed Bugs When Traveling This Holiday Season

Check For Bed Bugs When Traveling This Holiday Season

08 Dec 2022

All pests are inconvenient, but one type that is a particular nuisance is the bed bug. The bites these tiny pests leave behind are itchy and uncomfortable,...

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Combating the Most Common Retail Store Pests

Combating the Most Common Retail Store Pests

24 Nov 2022

As we start towards the holiday period at breakneck speed, retail stores of all sizes will see a spike in foot traffic as people prepare for Christmas and New Year. ...

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Why Your Office Needs Commercial Pest Control in Knoxville

Why Your Office Needs Commercial Pest Control in Knoxville

15 Nov 2022

As a business owner, you have a specific duty of care to your employees to provide them with a safe and clean work environment. A big part is ensuring you sign up for...

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Why We Say 'Sleep Tight, Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite!'

Why We Say 'Sleep Tight, Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite!'

02 Nov 2022

“Good night. Sleep tight. Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”
Most of us have at least heard this quirky saying, if not said it ourselves. Perhaps you have memories of a parent...

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What Every Family Needs to Knox About Bed Bugs

What Every Family Needs to Knox About Bed Bugs

18 Oct 2022

If there is one particular pest that nobody wants to share their home with, then it is probably the humble bed bug! However, the unfortunate reality is they are prevalent and...

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What Pests Are Lurking in Your Gutters?

What Pests Are Lurking in Your Gutters?

05 Oct 2022

When it comes to pest control in Knoxville, it is crucial to treat all areas of your property. The last thing you want to do is skip anywhere and end up leaving those uninvited...

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What is The Worst Case Scenario When Dealing With Termites?

What is The Worst Case Scenario When Dealing With Termites?

20 Sep 2022

As a homeowner, you have a lot of expenses to pay out for the upkeep of your property. Understandably, you want to save money where possible. One of the things...

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Termite Resistant Building Materials

Termite Resistant Building Materials

13 Sep 2022

Most of the time, hosting guests at your home is a lot of fun, but there is one kind of house guest that no homeowner wants to handle - Termites! Unfortunately,...

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Why Mosquitoes Buzz in Your Ear & Other Fun Facts!

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in Your Ear & Other Fun Facts!

31 Aug 2022

If there is one sound that will set your teeth on edge on a summer evening, surely it is the distinctive buzz of a mosquito right in your ear! Not only is this sound...

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It’s Mosquito Season! What Do You Need to Know?

It’s Mosquito Season! What Do You Need to Know?

24 Aug 2022

Here in Tennessee, we are right in the middle of mosquito season, which, thanks to our climate, lasts from late March well into October. If you are struggling with an...

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Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch?

Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch?

17 Aug 2022

Tennessee is still in the height of mosquito season, so if you have spent any time outdoors this summer, there is a good chance that you have suffered from a mosquito...

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Share These Great Tips to Combat Mosquitos in Your Yard!

Share These Great Tips to Combat Mosquitos in Your Yard!

12 Aug 2022

After inspection of your property, we apply an EPA-registered pesticide to kill mosquitoes on contact and to provide lasting mosquito control results. Treatments will...

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Mosquito Control Through The Ages

Mosquito Control Through The Ages

04 Aug 2022

If you've ever had a backyard gathering or even just relaxing with a good book, you have almost certainly experienced the buzzing sound of mosquitoes before...

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The History of Mosquitos

27 Jul 2022

The mosquito's history is as old as time itself. It is hard to say how far back the mosquito stories go, but verifying their effect on humanity is not hard. Early explorers faced...

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How to Choose the Right Pest Control in Knoxville

24 Jul 2022

Are you in search of pest control in Knoxville or the surrounding area? If so, you might be feeling a little...

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Preventing an Ant Infestation This Summer with Pest Control in Knoxville

13 Jul 2022

There are lots of exciting things about Summer that we all look forward to, but there is also one thing that nobody...

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Enjoy a Sting-Free Summer With Pest Control in Knoxville

06 Jul 2022

What does summer mean to you and your family? If you are like most people, you are probably looking forward to spending some time outdoors. Whether that means...

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Should I Call Pest Control for Ants?

29 Jun 2022

So, you’ve spotted some ants crawling across the kitchen floor? You might be wondering what your next step should be. For some reason, homeowners often think...

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Are You Inadvertently Attracting Termites to Your Home?

27 Jun 2022

Tennessee is classed as a level 2 Termite Infestation Probability Zone, meaning termite risk is moderate to heavy. It is estimated that termites will attack 1 in 5...

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Why An Annual Termite Inspection is a Must for Every Home

20 Jun 2022

If you have never seen a termite in your home, you may assume that there are no termites there. However, termites are very rarely seen, and many homeowners are...

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What Not to Do if You Have Bed Bugs

14 Jun 2022

If you have never experienced a bed bug infestation before, then you may not know what to do if you find them in your home. There is a great deal of information...

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Why Do My Bed Bugs Keep Coming Back?

01 Jun 2022

As a professional provider of bed bug treatment in Knoxville, the most common question we are asked when someone calls about a bed bug infestation is...

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What Every Family Needs to Know About Bed Bugs

25 May 2022

Bed Bugs are making something of a resurgence in the United States after being all but eradicated in the 1950s. With this recent increase in bed bug infestations across...

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Debunking Popular Myths About Bed Bugs

20 May 2022

Did you know, back in the day, people believed that they could harness the blood-sucking nature of bed bugs for medicinal purposes to treat everything from infected...

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What to Expect From Thermal Bed Bug Treatment in Knoxville

11 May 2022

When it comes to bed bug treatment in Knoxville, our 47+ years in the business have taught us that the most effective option is thermal heat treatment. Bed bugs and...

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Stop These Summer Pests From Invading Your Home!

09 May 2022

As we head into Summer, you will likely be spending a lot more time outside in your yard, which means more contact with common summertime pests. The 'big three'...

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5 Early Warning Signs That You Might Have Bed Bugs

03 May 2022

One of the most common pests we deal with is bed bugs. These bloodsucking beasties can hitch a ride into your home on various items, including luggage, clothes,...

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Treating & Avoiding Mosquito Bites

20 April 2022

If you spend any amount of time outdoors in spring and summer, you have probably experienced the discomfort of a mosquito bite! When the insect bites, it injects some...

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How to Choose the Right Pest Control Provider

11 April 2022

Whether you have discovered pests in your home or place of business, or you just want to take some preventative measures before it happens, choosing the right provider for pest control in Knoxville can be a daunting prospect! A quick Google search will...

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Don’t Let Mosquitoes Ruin Your Summer

05 April 2022

Nothing quite puts a dampener on enjoying time outdoors in Summer than finding yourself covered in itchy mosquito bites! Mosquitoes are a very common problem that we have to deal with when providing pest...

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6 Pests That Could Be Lurking in Your Garage

31 March 2022

Sometimes when thinking about pest control, it is easy to focus only on the liveable areas of the house. However, your garage could be making the perfect hideaway for a variety of different pests thanks to an abundance of dark...

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Dos & Don’ts of Pest Control

21 March 2022

Have you found evidence of some unwanted visitors in your home or place of business? Whether it’s rodents scrabbling around in the attic, termites chewing through the walls, or a bed bug infestation, pests have the...

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To Eradicate Termites it Takes a Professional. Learn Why NOT To Do DIY Treatments

14 March 2022

Termites can be a real nuisance - probably why they are called pests! Every year, the subterranean species of termites cause damage worth billions of dollars in...

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It All Starts With a Swarm: Get Ready For Termite Season

7 March 2022

Termite season typically gets started in late February into early March, and it usually begins with a swarm. Are you prepared for the onset of...

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Are You Accidentally Attracting Termites to Your Property?

1 March 2022

Termites are incredibly common in the United States and are present in every state except for Alaska! They do around $5 billion worth of damage to residential and...

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Buyer Beware! Check For Termites When Buying a Home

28 Feb 2022

If you consider buying a home, you probably have a list of things you want to check out. This might include the appliances, condition of the fixtures, landscaping, and...

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Detect, Deter & Terminate Termites

12 Feb 2022

Did you know that in the United States, termites are responsible for almost $3 billion worth of property damage every year? A lot of this damage could be avoided with early detection and termite treatment in...

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Make Pest Proofing Your Home Your New Year’s Resolution

21 Jan, 2022

January is the perfect time to start making new habits in life and around the home. One of the best new year’s resolutions you can make for your home is to address your pest control needs. That may mean taking care of...

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When Bed Bugs Bite! Call Otis Pest Control

27 Dec 2021

So, do you think you have a bed bug infestation in your home? Don’t panic. You are certainly not alone! We often get calls from clients who are embarrassed to admit that they suspect bed bugs are in their homes. This is usually...

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Are Termites a Big Problem in Tennessee?

24 Nov, 2021

People around the world fear pests for different reasons. Some pests cause infections, some pests have a painful sting, while some are feared for their poisonous bites. At the same time, there are some pests, which can cause...

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Why Can’t I Control Mosquitoes Myself?

12 Nov 2021

Have you tried using an over-the-counter mosquito treatment to deal with mosquitoes hanging around your home or commercial property? Did they come back a few weeks later? Let us explain why it’s almost impossible to properly treat...

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How Do You Treat Mosquitos?

9 Nov 2021

Mosquitoes can be one of the most frustrating pests to deal with! Not only are the bites incredibly itchy, but they also carry some of the most dangerous diseases in the world including West Nile Virus and Zika Virus. They are also incredibly tricky to exterminate without professional...

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Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore a Bed Bug Infestation

5 Nov 2021

Bed Bugs may be tiny, but they are probably one of the most difficult pests to get control of! These tiny bloodsuckers feed on us and get into our beds, our furniture, our clothes, and all of our personal belongings. They are masters of hide and seek and will make their home in places you will never even think to look! If a bed bug infestation is left untreated...

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Ten Tips to Make Your Property Less Inviting to Pests

1 Nov 2021

Have you ever wondered why some properties seem more prone to infestations from various pests and vermin than others? The truth is, there are many factors that come into play that might encourage insects and rodents to seek the shelter of your property rather than staying outside where they belong! This might include things like changes in the...

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Emily Moeck

"I unknowingly moved into a home that had a HUGE bed bug infestation..."Don't you worry, we are on top of this until they are gone, I promise!"... Jack was knowledgeable and honest in his assessment of my house/treatment methods. Thank you, Jack and Rocky and the whole Otis team! My home is home again!"


Joshua Weaver

"Prompt responses and appointment times. Very friendly and knowledgeable. Straight forward service without any "pushing" for extras."


Charlotte Bishop

"These guys were super helpful and kind. Jack thoroughly explained every procedure and made what could have been a horrible situation much more bearable. I definitely recommend them!"


Tamie Ridenour

"Excellent service and staff!! They were at my house the same day I called, for New construction pre-treatment!"


Cathy Amos

"Highly recommend! Jack and Rocky are great! You've got a business and highest recommendation! Great people to work with!"

Contact the experts

Request a Free Inspection for your Pest Control Needs

Whether you have a residential or a commercial property need, please take advantage of our free inspection, and inquire about any of our pest control services in East Tennessee, please complete this short form and we’ll be in touch soon!

Visit Otis Pest Control

Main Headquarters

112 Hayfield Road
Knoxville, TN 37922

Call Otis Pest Control

Location Specific Phone Numbers

  • Knoxville (serving Knox County)

  • Maryville (serving Blount County)

  • Lenoir City (serving Loudon & Monroe Counties)

  • Oak Ridge (serving Anderson, Roane, Scott, Morgan, Campbell, Union, & Cumberland Counties)

  • Sevierville (serving Sevier, Hamblen, & Cocke County)


Servicing all areas of Knoxville and surrounding counties and the Greater East TN area including Tri-Cities, Johnson City, Crossville & Chattanooga.

Please Submit Area of Interest