Sometimes when thinking about pest control, it is easy to focus only on the liveable areas of the house. However, your garage could be making the perfect hideaway for a variety of different pests thanks to an abundance of dark corners, storage boxes, or even food stores that can be found there. Let's take a look at some of the most common pests that could be lurking in your garage.
1 - Mice
One of the most common types of pests that could be lurking in your garage is mice. These furry friends will seek a warm place to sleep during the winter, and a garage is an ideal spot. It is common for homeowners to store pet food, grass seed, or birdseed in the garage, and these are going to look like a tasty snack to rodent intruders. If you spot holes gnawed in bags or boxes of stored food or mouse droppings, then it is likely you have a mouse; there is probably more than one! Call Otis for professional pest control in Knoxville, and we will take care of the problem immediately.
PRO TIP: Store food in sturdy plastic bins with a sealable lid to keep mice and other rodents from getting into the food. Since food is the most likely attraction, this can help deter return visits.
2 - Termites
It is estimated that termites do approximately $5 billion worth of damage to homes in the United States every year. If you are not in the habit of using your garage daily, you might not immediately notice the signs of a termite infestation. Although it can take up to 5 years for a termite colony to do any extensive damage, it is still best to nip it in the bud as soon as possible. We can offer professional Termite treatment in Knoxville to exterminate the pests and recommend an Advance Termite Bait System to help protect against future infestations.
3 - Snakes
If you have mice in the garage, not only are they potentially spreading disease, but they could also be attracting snakes looking for their next meal. East Tennessee is home to around 23 species of snake, and the majority of them are harmless. Only the Timber Rattlesnake and Copperhead have venom, but these are more commonly spotted in thick forest terrain, so it's unlikely there is one lurking in the garage. However, even if your slithering resident is not venomous, you probably don't want it hanging around! Our technicians are fully trained and hold Nuisance Wildlife Removal Permits from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. We offer wildlife removal alongside pest control in Knoxville and will be happy to take care of your scaly visitor.
4 - Spiders
Spiders can be found in most dark corners of your home, and the garage is an ideal hiding spot. Like other pests, they will come in search of food and shelter. Like our local snake population, most spiders in Tennessee are harmless. Only the black widow, brown widow, and brown recluse are cause for concern. If you suspect you have been bitten by one of these, a trip to the emergency room is advisable. Spiders feast on insects, so one way to deter them from your home and garage is to keep on top of pest control. No insects means no food and, as a result, no spiders!
5 - Crickets
If you have ever been outdoors on a mild evening, you may have found the sound of chirping crickets almost relaxing. However, we guarantee you won't feel the same when it's echoing through the enclosed space of your garage at 4 am! Just one cricket can lay hundreds of eggs, leaving you with an infestation reasonably quickly. If you have noticed the sound of crickets in your garage at night, it is time to seek out professional pest control in Knoxville to take care of the problem!
Fun Fact! Did you know cricket chirps have been measured at over 100 decibels! That's about as loud as a motorcycle or ATV engine!
6 -Silverfish
Silverfish can be a tricky pest to spot and get rid of! They can slip into even the smallest cracks and catch a ride into your home inside boxes. They feed on a huge variety of materials, including paper, clothing, pet food, glue, and even each other! Females lay eggs three times per day, so it is not long before a full-blown infestation can take hold. If you suspect you may have silverfish, call pest control in Knoxville to carry out a full inspection of your property and recommend an appropriate course of action for treating the issue.
Otis Termite & Pest Control is a full-service pest control company with a focus on outstanding service. We have been serving the East Tennessee area for over 56 years and our reputation is built on prompt and effective service. We’re good at what we do and we’re fast. We do the job right the first time – and that’s an actual guarantee!
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