Say Goodbye to Wasps with Pest Control in Knoxville

Apr 19, 2024

Every year, unwanted visitors of the winged variety make enjoying outdoor spaces a stressful experience. Most of us have experienced the instant fight or flight response that comes from hearing the distinctive buzzing of a wasp in your ear while soaking up the sun or grilling in the backyard! If you are unlucky enough to have a nest somewhere on your property, you may find your outdoor time plagued with these stinging pests. The good news is that Otis Pest Control in Knoxville can help you say goodbye to wasp nests and reclaim your outdoor spaces this summer!

Are Wasps Dangerous?

Wasps are a reasonably common pest across the United States, especially in the summer months. There are a variety of different species of wasps to be found in Tennessee, including paper wasps, bald-faced hornets, yellow jackets, and red wasps. Wasps are not typically known to carry human diseases, but their sting can prove fatal if you have an allergy. There are around 72 deaths every year in the United States relating to wasp stings. Wasp sting allergies can develop or worsen suddenly, so even though you may not have had a severe reaction in the past, the next time you are stung could result in sudden anaphylaxis. So even if there are no known allergies in your household, it is always better to have pest control in Knoxville remove wasp nests from your property. Allergy or not, wasp stings are not a pleasant experience!

Getting Rid of Wasps & Wasp Nests

Aside from the risk of stings and allergic reactions, another reason why it is important to remove wasp nests from your property is that it can result in structural damage. Since nests are often built in wall voids, attic spaces, and around structural components if left unchecked, they can grow larger, and the weight, coupled with the movement of the wasps, can result in the weakening of the building materials. Nests can also trap moisture in the area around them, resulting in mold and rot. In severe cases, large wasp nests can collapse the structure they are built around.

Removing a wasp nest might seem like a simple task, but it certainly should only be attempted with the help of professional pest control in Knoxville. Once the nest is disturbed, the wasps will be aggravated and start to swarm and sting! Otis Pest Control in Knoxville has the knowledge and experience needed to remove wasp nests and treat your property to help reduce the risk of the wasps returning. After a technician inspects the property and locates both hanging and ground nests, they will create a custom treatment plan to eliminate them. The next step is to treat the nests themselves in order to kill the wasps inside, making them easier to remove without the risk of being swarmed by angry wasps! Once the nests have been safely removed, your property will be treated using the appropriate bait and pesticides to eliminate any wasps that were not exterminated within the nest. It may also be suggested that you arrange for regular preventative treatment to reduce the likelihood of a return.

Deterring Wasps From Invading Your Property

Like most pests, wasps are attracted to places that offer food and shelter. Their preferred food source is high-protein foods, so human leftovers such as meat scraps left on your grill or fallen fruit from your trees and bushes are like an all-you-can-eat buffet! In addition to having regular visits from professional pest control in Knoxville, you can also take the following steps to help deter wasps.

  • Eliminate Potential Food Sources - If you have fruit-bearing trees, clean up fallen fruit regularly, and when grilling, make sure meat scraps are cleaned off the grill. Secure trash cans with a well-fitting lid and cover your compost pile.
  • Seal Doors & Windows - Use caulk to seal up any gaps in your doors and windows to stop wasps and other pests from entering your home. You will also want to make sure you have screens and that they are free of cracks and holes.
  • Wasp Repellent Plants - There are certain plants that wasps do not like, so planting them around your porch can help keep the stinging pests at bay. Some options you can choose from include pennyroyal, mint, marigold, wormwood, basil, and geranium.
  • Be Vigilant For Nests - Even after pest control in Knoxville has removed the nests from your home, new nests can be built. Every spring, you should check wall cavities, sheds, and garages for signs of new nests, and call pest control in Knoxville to remove them if you see any.

Otis Termite & Pest Control is a full-service pest control company with a focus on outstanding service. We have been serving the East Tennessee area for over 56 years and our reputation is built on prompt and effective service. We’re good at what we do and we’re fast. We do the job right the first time – and that’s an actual guarantee! 

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Emily Moeck

"I unknowingly moved into a home that had a HUGE bed bug infestation..."Don't you worry, we are on top of this until they are gone, I promise!"... Jack was knowledgeable and honest in his assessment of my house/treatment methods. Thank you, Jack and Rocky and the whole Otis team! My home is home again!"


Joshua Weaver

"Prompt responses and appointment times. Very friendly and knowledgeable. Straight forward service without any "pushing" for extras."


Charlotte Bishop

"These guys were super helpful and kind. Jack thoroughly explained every procedure and made what could have been a horrible situation much more bearable. I definitely recommend them!"


Tamie Ridenour

"Excellent service and staff!! They were at my house the same day I called, for New construction pre-treatment!"


Cathy Amos

"Highly recommend! Jack and Rocky are great! You've got a business and highest recommendation! Great people to work with!"

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